Thursday, May 28, 2009


These are the flowers Kak Yaya sent Mama for mother's nice. Mama said, to her it is the most beautiful bouquet of flowers on earth....

Slash Pengsan!.....

Slash tidor for 12 hours last night. We tried to wake him pun dia tak bangun...we did everything...but he still kept on sleeping.....guess he was very, very tired...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We are with Kak Yaya....IN SPIRIT...

It's exam time for Kak Yaya...she's spending her days and nights at the library...Kesian Kak Yaya. Just hang on there, ok Kak Yaya....sikit je lagi. Nanti to cheer you up, we will put nice photos of us up on this blog ok??? Sekarang ni tak de new photos lagi, belum ambik. Nanti weekend la we take, lepas we shower ok...

Oh btw, our bulu dah pendek sikit, kena gunting coz mama is worried about our hairball. Initially nak gunting pendek but mama tak sampai hati coz Carlos without his hair is very kurus so mama just trim the hair dekat our neck and sides. Abang Jim wants to go bald actually coz the weather is very hot now...but mama takut nanti dia jadi macam kucing samseng. Only Slash yang tak kisah...but thats because Slash never ada any hairball problem pun. Bila we trim our hair, Eric and Ozzy pun sibuk nak trim jugak...tapi where la they got hair kan....Ish!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Muka Sedih...

I dont want to shower, mama...please.....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Cara mereka tidor....amat comel...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

He THINKS he is the beauty....

That's Eric...full of confidence. When we have guests, he never fails to act as if he's the host...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Did you just call me???

Jimi The Blop....

How adorable can our Jim-jim be?????